Insight Blog

8 Ways To Motivate Baby Boomers & The #1 Thing To Remember

With baby boomers representing 37% of the US workforce, it’s imperative that organizations understand these valuable employees, their mindsets and how to effectively engage them.

1.  Give them titles and authority commensurate with their responsibility.

Why:  They are motivated by position and power.

2.  Provide them with opportunities to mentor younger generations.

Why:  They seek meaning and balance.

Providing them with ways to teach younger generations holds extra value in that they can share their experiences and transfer their knowledge within your company, thus building the skill sets of other employees.

3.  Encourage them to attend conferences and participate in related professional associations.

Why:  They enjoy networking with colleagues and maintaining a professional connection with their peers. Furthermore, it instills confidence when you show interest in their professional activities.

4.  Provide them with challenges.

Why:  They enjoy expanding their abilities and participating in projects that can gain them recognition and that can make a difference in your organization.

5.  Involve them in decision making.

Why:  Baby boomers appreciate respect, transparency and democracy in decision making.

6.  Have established policies and operate your company fairly.

Why:  Baby boomers respect employers who have established policies and who treat their employees fairly. Their parents were of a generation that had a strong employee/employer commitment. Watching their parents have that kind of mindset, baby boomers desire to work for companies that are loyal to employees and that value years of hard work and dedication.

7.  Offer them post retirement opportunities.

Why:  It’s no secret that many baby boomers have pushed back their retirement because of the economic turbulence over the past few years and many of them cannot afford to retire. They are also concerned that their lives may be less fulfilling without their work. Therefore, they are interested in having an active retirement or flexible, part time work arrangements.

8.  Give them opportunities for short-term financial rewards and long-term financial security.

Why:  Tying in with #7, you can motivate your baby boomers by offering them equity, retirement plans, 401k plans and pensions.

So, what's the most important thing to remember?

Feed in to their emotional side. Give them attention and recognition for their efforts and knowledge because they are most motivated by being valued and needed.